I wanted to go abroad to work for 1 year (or at least half a year, not sure yet how long it will be) and was deciding between the USA and Eastern/Southern Africa and because it would probably be easier to find a job in the US (and thanks to my dual citizenship I don't need to worry about a visa). I was looking for a job in the US and (by just googling for seasonal jobs and that way ending up on the Scouts website) came to this cool place here in the Keys working for the Boy Scouts of America as a galley mate.

The Brinton Environmental Center (part of the Florida Sea Base, where I work, from the Boy Scouts of America). The Scouts (or other guests) come here for a week of adventure, doing activities like fishing, kayaking, snorkeling, learning about marine biology, camping on an island, sailing, visiting Key West, etc.

After working on the other Sea Base base (the one in Islamorada a.k.a. "north base") from February 8th until May 31st I am currently back at BEC (Brinton Environmental Center a.k.a. "south base") in Summerland Key where I originally started working when I came to the Keys. The advantages of being here at Sea Base are quite obvious, I get to live on an island (or key to stay correct) surrounded by mangroves and palm trees and the sea, go on many adventures and do all of this with a bunch of fellow staff members. I think the pictures speak for themselves. So to keep the balance I wanted to mention the downsides of being here, which might also be obvious (and really not that bad):
- I have several dozen mosquito bites on each leg/foot and they sometimes like to let me know that they're there.
- Chasing cockroaches is my new hobby (a funny one though, and only on Islamorada so far)
- It's hot and humid and getting hotter. (I don't like humidity but the weather is actually one reason why I came here in the first place, so I wouldn't count this as a downside, but it can be for some people.)
- The pay isn't the best (and not enough for me to live from) and that's one of the two reasons (the other one is health insurance stuff) why I am planning on only staying here for about another half a year (so that it will be about one year in total). But: at least I still have a job, so lucky me. Some people are actually able to save up money here so this is also not a problem for everyone.
- Most staff here is seasonal so after every season and sometimes during the season you will live and work with new people - some do stay for multiple seasons though. And you share your room with about 2 - 3 other people (in other years more). I generally like to get to know new people so I would say this is also a good thing, but it might not be for everyone. What bothers me more concerning the changing staff is missing the people you don't get to see anymore.

That's all that comes to my mind right now, so you see, it's pretty good here. xD Now cheers to half a year in the beautiful Keys!